Handling Difficult Behaviour and Situations with Staff

Full day | Online or in person

This one-day training course looks to explore what difficult behaviour is for our staff in the workplace and where it comes from. We’ll explore the reasons behind different types of staff behaviour, with a particular look at different emotion in ourselves and others. Over the day, we’ll explore a range of techniques for communication and conflict management, both for handling immediate and long term challenges around behaviour.

The course is aimed at supervisors and managers, but is useful for anyone that works in a team where challenging behaviour or conversations are possible.

What's Covered

The course will cover the following areas:

  • What is difficult behaviour? A look at what makes behaviour difficult, and where it comes from and how there’s a range of different ways behaviour can be difficult. We’ll explore assessing behaviour without creating a culture of blame.
  • Emotional awareness and understanding: We’ll look how different emotions manifest and escalate situations, and how to engage with or defuse them.
  • Different types of difficult situations: Ranging from immediate to long term, including interpersonal and performance related situations, we’ll consider how to investigate situations objectively to determine the best way forward.
  • Communication and conflict: We’ll consider how to behave assertively to be as strong leader in tackling challenging staff objectively, however they feel.
  • Having difficult conversations: Whether you’re giving bad news or unpicking a workplace conflict, we’ll explore the preparation, emotions and handling of a difficult conversation with a member of staff.

Throughout the session there will be a running theme of self-awareness, encouraging attendees through discussion and interactive exercises to consider how they feel in situations. We can then explore the challenges they face in tackling difficult situations alongside looking at the techniques and processes of tackling a difficult member of staff.
All course content can be adjusted for you or your organisation. The course descriptions offer an overview of topics and do not represent an exact format or structure. If you need us to focus on a particular area or would like is to include something we don't mention, just let us know and we'll do our best to make it work for you!