Unconscious Bias

Half day | Online or in person

What's Covered

Please contact us for to find out more about this course!

We have the materials and content ready to go, but haven't prepared a full public outline yet. It might be a course that we designed for a specific customer and have adapted to be suitable for anyone or it's a combination of other topics we cover in other courses. Either way, we'd be happy to create an outline if the title sounds interesting.

Email info@prioritypeople.co.uk to find out more about the course or ask us about feedback we've already had from delivering the content.
All course content can be adjusted for you or your organisation. The course descriptions offer an overview of topics and do not represent an exact format or structure. If you need us to focus on a particular area or would like is to include something we don't mention, just let us know and we'll do our best to make it work for you!